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Study with SGA (October 7th)

Written by Ahmad Lambert

Study with the Student Government Associati on (SGA), was a studying event that took place in the weeks leading up to midterm examinations. Students under all classifications are encouraged to attend, with the only requirement being to bring all necessary studying materia

ls. SGAs’ goal is to offer students a comfortable place to mingle with peers while they prepare for midterms. This event was coordinated by the Pulse Administration of the Student Government Association. Study With SGA officially took place on Monday, October 17th.

The event took place from 5pm-7pm on the third floor of the TSU library. The turnout for the event was successful as anticipated. SGA provided students with snacks and offered insight to any questions students had. In addition, TSU reporter Briannah Dilworth was present at the event gaining insight on student experiences with midterms and how they prepare themselves for the barrage of assessments. The event taking place in the library was perfect given its quiet environment and light hearted vibe, a feeling that SGA was hoping to achieve. Dilworth exclaims, “I really enjoyed the event because it was a chance to interact with fellow students while getting some studying done. It was a lot less of a hassle to actually study because there was a mutual motivation between students.”

Students attended the event by themselves while others came in groups, and while this may seem counterproductive to some, reporters discovered that this was by design. TSU student Michael Vouffo gave reporters an inside look at his unique method of preparation for studying. “For me it all depends on how I'm feeling… If there is a common struggle amongst me and my peers we should put our minds together, attack that material, and see what starts to click. If there is a lot of content on one topic then I study alone so I can move at my own pace.” This approach to studying has proven to be common and effective and many 3rd and 4th year students have taken enough midterms to know what works for them and what doesn't. This interview was concluded by Michael suggesting that you go into all your exams confident, calm, and clear minded.

If you are a student at TSU then presumably you share the collective anxiety that comes with midterm exams. With that being said, it was no surprise to our reporters that even the highest ranking members of our campus have formulated tactics to aid them during midterm weeks. We had the opportunity to interview the President of SGA Dexter Maryland for an in depth look at how he prepares himself for midterms.

Dexter Maryland, the President of SGA stated, “I try to utilize my resources in the honors college and in the library. The library is a great space to cloud out the noise and just work. The library is open later during midterms week, so I isolate myself from my normal life to really get my work done.” Additionally, he suggests that you get more rest prior to taking your exams to sharpen your mental wellbeing.

Attending events such as this one are an easy way to boost your confidence and equip yourself with the knowledge necessary to ensure you ace all your exams. When preparing to take a midterm, remember to get your rest and stay confident. Stay on the lookout for more group study events such as this one.

As always,

Go Tigers!



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